Die Ausbildung / Vertiefung für erfahrene Coaches, die 3VQ in ihre Praxis integrieren möchten.
3 Vital Questions® and Power of TED*® Coaching Course
- Blended Learning: Online und Live Kurs. Kurs in englischer Sprache.
- Anmeldung für den Kurs im Herbst öffnet bald.
- Der letzte Kurs war schnell ausverkauft, bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, damit wir sie in eine unverbindliche Interessenliste aufnehmen.
- Jeweils einmal pro Woche 17:30 – 19:00 CET
- Kurs beinhaltet 20 ICF CE Credits der International Coach Federation
- Der Kurs kombiniert
- 3 Vital Questions Online-Kurs (inklusive)
- 8 Live Zoom Video Sessions gehostet von Donna Zajonc und einer Auswahl an erfahrenen Facilitators und Coaches
Bitte füllen Sie bei Interesse das untenstehende Formular aus, wir melden uns mit Details, Preisinformationen und Fragen.
"This course has given me language and structure as a coach and leader to engage with others and hold my fire more, allowing others to find their way forward. It’s working! I’m a great rescuer and this has actually been freeing to me. So more present with the other person. I see how much more empowered they feel too. Thank you."

"The course design, interactive nature, guest speakers, practice groups, and eCourse provide a rich, 360 degree learning environment. I got a big "aha" that has created a significant shift in my life already. Highly recommend this to coaches for their personal and professional growth. It is money well-spent."

"The 3VQ Coaching Course is a powerful—and practical course. It includes self-reflection and practice of the concepts, while also providing useful ways to skillfully apply the concepts while coaching. Donna Zajonc is a masterful instructor who is generous with her wisdom and materials, and who is dedicated to creating and delivering this content because she believes in the positive change it can have on the world."
